Spanish classes online - 5 Tips for Staying Motivated While Learning a New Language

Published Oct 1st, 2017 - Learning a new language is a long-term process that will require discipline, patience, and motivation. Discipline and patience often come with motivation, and we find that keeping motivation is a major issue for many people who are learning a new language. In this blog post, we're going to let you in on 5 tips for staying motivated while learning a language!

1. Set goals with rewards

If you are achieving a milestone soon, set goals that align you with success. When you're setting your goals, make sure to choose your reward! Knowing that you've got a reward on the way will help you stay on track. Be sure that you're setting realistic goals that can be achieved, and create rewards that are going to keep you motivated.

2. Find the learning style that works for you

There are several learning styles ranging from visual to aural (learning by hearing) to learning by doing. Find out which learning style works best for you and apply it in your language learning journey to help you stay focused and motivated. Knowing your learning style can help you succeed in learning a new language and much more.

Want to speak Spanish confidently and fluently?


3. Remember why you started

Motivation is going to lack along the way of your language learning journey. When you feel like you're in a rut, think about how far you've come. Consider your reasons for beginning your journey. Your 'why' will help you stay motivated! Write your 'why' down and hang it up in your study area so that you'll always be reminded of your reasons for learning a new language.

4. Reduce distractions

Distractions kill motivated in its tracks, and that's why you should work to eliminate distractions. Pinpoint the things that are holding you back. Is the TV on? Are you taking too many breaks? Is social media causing you to lose focus? Be honest with yourself and take away the distractions. Once you've done this, you'll be able to focus and get motivated.

5. Don't give up

Last but not least, don't give up. Don't even entertain the thought of giving up. Your motivation will fade quickly if you think about giving up on your journey. When you have thoughts of doubt, then you should go back to the drawing board and go through these tips again. Find your motivation and stick with it!


With these tips in mind, you can ensure language learning success. Here's a great bonus tip if you're interested in learning Spanish: online Spanish classes with a professional coach is an excellent way to learn Spanish and stay motivated at the same time! A personal coach is your partner in your language learning journey and will help you reach your goals. In addition, your coach can help you recognize your progress, challenge you to reach new goals, and help you remain on-track.