Useful phrases for Spanish beginners

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Learning Spanish for those who speak English is not easy at all, due to how different that language is from ours. The same holds in the opposite direction, but for Anglo-Saxons, understanding the extensive and varied syntax of one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with hundreds of different dialects, is simply a titanic task. 

However, there are phrases that, because they are quite general, can be very useful for those learning Spanish, as any Spanish speaker will be able to understand them perfectly. These chunks can help you if you need to travel to a Spanish-speaking place, allowing you to communicate with simple and quick phrases. We hope these phrases will assist you if you plan to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, and we invite you to our spanish tutoring lessons to enhance your Spanish skills and become more fluent in this beautiful language.

Useful Spanish phrases for greetings

You may already know the basic greeting in Spanish: “Hola ¿Cómo estás?”, or simply “Hola”; however, you can greet in different ways and give a much friendlier impression to the people you meet when you travel to a Spanish-speaking country. For example: “Buenos días”, or “Hola, ¿Qué tal te va?” Basically, these are words that you can learn in the first levels of your Spanish tutoring lessons, as they are extremely basic for communicating with any Spanish speaker. 

This is a basic level; knowing how to say hello to the people you talk to can help you break the ice more easily, to start a short conversation with anyone. Generally, Hispanics are quite warm people who will try to help you, even if you don't know the language very well.

Useful Questions in Spanish for English Speakers:

When you are in a Latin American country or Spain, you might find yourself needing to ask questions to the people you meet. Maybe you want to know the time or perhaps you want to ask someone's name. In both cases, you can ask “¿Qué hora es?” in the first instance or “¿Cómo te llamas?” in the second. If you want to be a bit more formal, you can exchange “te” for “se” and “tu” for “su”, resulting in: “¿Cómo se llama?” or “¿Cuál es su nombre?”.

Other useful questions could be the following:

  • ¿Cuántos años tienes? O ¿Qué edad tienes?: to ask a person's age.

  • ¿Dónde está el baño?: to ask where a bathroom is.

  • ¿Qué es eso? If you are curious about the object or animal you just saw is.

  • ¿De donde eres? If you want to know where a person is from or where they were born.

  • ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? To find out when someone's birthday is.

  • ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? If you want to get someone's phone number. You can also use the phrase: dame tu número de teléfono, or ask ¿Puedes darme tu número de teléfono, por favor? To be more polite. Remember that “por favor” and “gracias” are the “magic words” in Spanish, the ones that will make others perceive you as polite or friendly.

  • ¿Puedo pasar? If you want to enter an office or home with the owner's permission.

These types of general useful phrases can soon be learned at any Spanish tutoring lesson, because they fall into the category of basic content, but are extremely useful for those who don't know how to speak Spanish, but want to make a good impression.

Ask for directions in Spanish with these useful phrases

Persona sosteniendo un iPhone 5 C blanco

Image: Unsplash

Asking for directions in Spanish is not difficult, in fact, you can use simple phrases in the form of a question, such as: ¿Cómo se llega a...? or ¿Dónde queda...? You can also use phrases like:

  • ¿Cuál es la dirección de…?

  • ¿Cómo llego a…?

  • ¿En qué dirección queda…?

  • ¿Cuál es el camino a…?

  • ¿Me puede decir cómo llegar a…?

Try to ask these questions always preceded by “Disculpe”, especially if you don't know the person you are speaking to so that you make a better impression on the people you are interacting with. When you ask for directions, you should simply say the name of the place you want to get to, preceded by the formulas explained above. 

The Spanish language is a very dynamic language, which changes a lot concerning many factors, including the place you travel to. In your Spanish tutoring lessons you will be able to realize this dynamism, however, absolutely all Spanish speakers will understand these basic phrases.

Useful social phrases in Spanish

If you are going to participate in a social event or need to get to know a little more about the people around you, as well as order a meal or a drink, you can use some of these useful phrases:

  • ¿Me puedes traer el menú?: To request a menu in a restaurant.

  • ¿Quieres bailar?: If you want to dance with someone at a party.

  • Quisiera pedir un…: To order a dish or a drink at a bar or restaurant.

  • ¿A qué hora vienes?: To know at what time someone will arrive at your location.

  • ¿A qué hora iremos?: To know at what time you will go somewhere with someone.

  • ¿A dónde vamos?: To know where you will go with someone.

  • ¿Quieres salir a tomar o comer algo?: If you want to invite someone out.

  • Te presento a…: If you want to introduce someone.

  • ¿Quién es tu amigo/amiga?: To ask to be introduced to someone.

If you are in an informal conversation, you may want to gather more information to learn more about the other person and see if you can become friends. You can ask questions like ¿Qué edad tienes?, ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?, ¿Dónde vives?, ¿de donde eres?, so you can open the door for more complex conversations that will help you better connect with other people.


Spanish is a complex language to learn, but, like English, those who are trying to learn it can master it more easily if they learn to use pre-made and common phrases to make themselves understood. By mastering these phrases, you can make the most out of your spanish tutoring lessons and become fluent more quickly, as there are thousands of useful expressions available. Over time, you will also become acquainted with the idioms of certain regions, but due to the vast geographical spread of Spanish speakers, it may be virtually impossible to learn them all.

So, be patient, learn the basics, and, above all, practice these and other simple phrases that can help you navigate various situations or better connect with the people you interact with. Most Spanish speakers are friendly individuals who will not discriminate or judge you if you don't know their language well, although they may enjoy a bit of playful banter. The important thing is that you make an effort to familiarize yourself with their vocabulary, pronunciation, and the everyday usage of different phrases.